Do you have insurance?
We are in network for most insurance plans. If you have a chiropractic Insurance benefit, we should be able to work with it. When you set your appointment, let the staff member know about your insurance and ask if they can verify it for you. This will allow us to be prepared with a detail about how your insurance works.
No Insurance?
Welcome to our office! We have many patients without insurance. We understand the need for affordable care.
High Deductible?
Smart! We’ll work with you just like we do with cash patients.
Were you involved in an accident?
Most patients involved in accidents are covered by insurance or have an attorney who will work with us to cover the cost of your care. As a result most accident patients do not have to pay for the care themselves. Patients at fault in an accident are often covered by their own health insurance or by their own automobile insurance.
Is this a work related injury?
We are not experts at dealing with Workers Compensation. We don’t like the paperwork or stress associated with managing these types of claims. If you have pre-authorization and another physician is considered the Primary Treating Physician, we will consider accepting you as a patient. If you are an existing patient and you are injured at work, you will need to discuss your care with our staff.