Blue Shield Chiropractic coverage varies depending on the policy and employer.
Blue Shield insurance coverage options include HMO and PPO.
As a network provider, we offer full benefits for all types of plans including PPO and HMO.
Major employers in the Antelope Valley use that offer Chiropractic coverage through Blue Shield include:
- U.S. Borax
- Child Care Resource Center
- Antelope Valley Press
- Boeing
- F.A.A.
- Federal Civil Service
- Northrop Grumman
- Palmdale School District
- U.S.D.A.
- U.S.F.S.
- U.S.P.S.
- US Postal Service
- Rite Aid
- Rio Tinto Minerals
- CA Dept Corrections
- Department of Defense
- Homeland Security
- N.A.S.A.
- Palmdale School District
- Providence Holy Cross
- Sears Holdings Corp
- U.S. Department of Justice
- US Air Force
- Westside Union School District
- Avsta
HMO coverage is often offered through third part HMO’s like A.S.H.P. (American Specialty Health Plan) or Chirometrics.
No referral required for HMO benefits.