Carpal Tunnel Treatment In Lancaster, CA
“I think I have Carpal Tunnel in my right wrist and hand. What do I do now?”
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is defined by the National Health Institute as a “painful progressive condition caused by compression of a key nerve in the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is often the result of a combination of factors that increase pressure on the median nerve and tendons in the carpal tunnel, rather than a problem with the nerve itself.” Statistical data show that women have three times more CTS then men simply because the carpal tunnel may be smaller in women.
Carpal tunnel chiropractic treatment involves the maneuvering and adjustment of the wrists, arms, elbows or neck to release the nerve impingement. Chiropractic treatment in patients suffering from CTS helps restore full range of motion in the arms, improved finger sensation, nerve sensation, and provides relief from pain, numbness, and tingling sensation after repeated sessions for a time period determined by patient progress.
At Frye Chiropractic we have treated hundreds of CTS cases in Palmdale/Lancaster and throughout the entire Antelope Valley. If you think you might be suffering from Carpal Tunnel call us at (661) 280-2388 and schedule an examination. We will take any required X-Rays in the office and then design a treatment plan specific to your needs which we explain to you step-by-step.